The council is non-political with 9 volunteer Councillors and a qualified part-time paid clerk. It achieved Quality Status in 2006 under the previous Quality Council Scheme.
A regular part of Council business is to represent the views and interests of all parishioners such as in highways and planning matters. For example, flooding and road surfaces have been significant problems and the Parish Council take the lead in driving the borough council to complete remedial action. Speed limit reductions have also been achieved in some locations with more to follow.
The Parish council provides local knowledge on all planning applications and fights large horticultural installations, wind turbines and other intrusive planning applications. It also lobbies against roads being too frequently used for running or cycling races.
It owns and runs a playground sited behind the Village Hall, but the Hall itself is run independently.
However it also initiates or support projects for the benefit of the community. For example it pushed for super-fast fibre-optic broadband and provided funding for a Community Kitchen Garden and for The Queens Jubilee Celebration. A defibrillator was installed in 2014 and in 2016 an extension to the playground was made. Significant historical projects were Affordable Housing and the Playground, and it helped fund the construction of the Village Hall.
To use the defibrillator, please call 999 FIRST and they will direct you to the Village Hall (The main entrance, off Knutsford Road) and give you the PIN code to obtain access. The unit is on the left as you look at the main entrance. (Do not go to the School Lane side entrance).
For more information about council matters see the Documents
To contact the Clerk see Antrobus – Contact Us or Your Councillors.